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Writer's pictureTommy Sangchompuphen

Hey ChatGPT: "Write a song about a closed memo assignment in the form of Taylor Swift's ..."

My students are getting ready to turn in their closed memo assignment for a legal writing and research course I'm teaching this semester. So I decided to ask ChatGPT to draft some alternative lyrics to some of Taylor Swift's biggest hits that describe this typical first-year law school writing assignment.

Here are a few excerpts from ChatGPT's responses:

"'Cause the memo's tough, but I won't break it off / I'm gonna shake it off, yeah, I'll write it off ..." (in the form of "Shake It Off")

"Oh, closed memo, it's a law school chase / In my mind, you're like a blank space / I'll fill you with arguments, so bold and grand / Turn you into a masterpiece, just as planned" (in the form of "Blank Space")

"I'm the anti-hero of this law school game / Battling through the darkness, seeking legal fame / With my LexisNexis and my coffee cup / I'll break through this memo, I won't give up" (in the form of "Anti-Hero")

"I'll craft my arguments, build a solid case / In this legal puzzle, I'll find my place / Every word and sentence, I'll carefully choose / In this cruel memo summer, I'll win or lose" (in the form of "Cruel Summer")

ChatGPT's full alternative lyrics are below:

"Write a song about a law school closed memo assignment in the form of Taylor Swift's 'Shake It Off.'"

Lyrics by ChatGPT (GPT-3.5)

(Verse 1)

I stay up late, in my room, all alone,

Law school life's got me on my own.

The closed memo's due, it's a heavy load,

But I'll break it down, crack this legal code.

Got my casebook open, notes all around,

Highlightin' cases, every fact I've found.

I'm analyzin' issues, in a legal haze,

But I'll shake it off, and find my own ways.


'Cause the memo's tough, but I won't break it off,

I'm gonna shake it off, yeah, I'll write it off.

I've got my LexisNexis, I'm gonna be just fine,

In the world of law, I'll let my brilliance shine.

(Verse 2)

The Bluebook's got rules, citations galore,

I'm cross-referencin', footnotes and more.

The clock keeps tickin', deadlines draw near,

But I won't give in to that memo's fear.

Legal writing's a challenge, but I'm up for the test,

I'll argue my points, won't settle for less.

In this closed memo, I'll make my stand,

With every word, I'll show I understand.


'Cause the memo's tough, but I won't break it off,

I'm gonna shake it off, yeah, I'll write it off.

I've got my LexisNexis, I'm gonna be just fine,

In the world of law, I'll let my brilliance shine.


I'll revise and edit, make it crystal clear,

My analysis strong, with no doubt or fear.

I'll proofread my work, make it polished and neat,

In this closed memo, my victory'll be sweet.

(Verse 3)

Now I'm handin' it in, with a confident smile,

I've gone the extra mile, put in the extra mile.

In this law school journey, I've found my grace,

In this closed memo, I've claimed my place.

So the memo was tough, but I shook it off,

I wrote it off, and I showed it off.

With my LexisNexis, I did just fine,

In the world of law, my brilliance will shine.


'Cause the memo was tough, but I shook it off,

I wrote it off, and I showed it off.

With my LexisNexis, I did just fine,

In the world of law, my brilliance will shine.


"Write a song about a law school closed memo assignment in the form of Taylor Swift's 'Blank Space.'"

Lyrics by ChatGPT (GPT-3.5)

(Verse 1)

Nice to meet you, where you been?

I'm diving deep into law school, my friends.

I've got a closed memo assignment on my plate,

Gotta analyze the case law, can't be late.

I've read the facts a thousand times or more,

Crafting arguments that'll even the score.

The Bluebook's my Bible, in this legal space,

In my dorm room, I'll make my case.


So it's gonna be stressful, but it's worth the fight,

Legal writing in the middle of the night.

Got my highlighters and my caffeine stash,

Gonna ace this memo, make it a smash.


Oh, closed memo, it's a law school chase,

In my mind, you're like a blank space.

I'll fill you with arguments, so bold and grand,

Turn you into a masterpiece, just as planned.

(Verse 2)

I've got my LexisNexis and my Westlaw key,

Searching for precedents, it's all on me.

Constructing my IRAC, step by step,

In this legal battlefield, I won't misstep.

I'll argue persuasively, with every line,

Convincing the judge, it's my time to shine.

In this blank space, my words will flow,

A legal symphony, watch my memo grow.


So it's gonna be stressful, but it's worth the fight,

Legal writing in the middle of the night.

Got my highlighters and my caffeine stash,

Gonna ace this memo, make it a smash.


Oh, closed memo, it's a law school chase,

In my mind, you're like a blank space.

I'll fill you with arguments, so bold and grand,

Turn you into a masterpiece, just as planned.


Got my rough draft, it's a tangled mess,

But I'll revise and edit, I won't regress.

Legal reasoning's my secret art,

Gonna win this battle, right from the start.

(Verse 3)

Now it's submission day, heart racing fast,

I've proofread my memo, it's a final blast.

In this closed memo, I've left my trace,

A law school journey, in this blank space.

With a sigh of relief, I hit "send" with grace,

My closed memo's done, it's found its place.

In the world of law, I've left my mark,

In this blank space, I've left my spark.


Oh, closed memo, it's a law school chase,

In my mind, you're like a blank space.

I've filled you with arguments, so bold and grand,

Turned you into a masterpiece, just as planned.


"Write a song about a law school closed memo assignment in the form of Taylor Swift's 'Anti-Hero.'"

Lyrics by ChatGPT (GPT-3.5)

(Verse 1)

I'm sittin' in the library, it's a late-night scene,

A closed memo assignment, got me feeling so mean.

Law school life, it's a constant fight,

Research and writing, every single night.

I've got a stack of cases, a legal mind,

Tryin' to find the answers, seek and ye shall find.

But the clock keeps tickin', and my patience wears thin,

This closed memo, it's the devil's own sin.


I'm the anti-hero of this law school game,

Battling through the darkness, seeking legal fame.

With my LexisNexis and my coffee cup,

I'll break through this memo, I won't give up.

(Verse 2)

I've got Bluebook rules, citations in a row,

Analyzin' statutes, watch the arguments grow.

It's a puzzle, a mystery, a legal whodunit,

But I won't let it break me, I won't submit.

My study group's gone, it's just me and my pen,

Fightin' for justice, in this memo's den.

Taylor's on the radio, singin' my strife,

I'm the anti-hero, in this law school life.


I'm the anti-hero of this law school game,

Battling through the darkness, seeking legal fame.

With my LexisNexis and my coffee cup,

I'll break through this memo, I won't give up.


The deadline's looming, the pressure's intense,

But I won't let this memo break my defense.

I'll craft my argument, make it strong and bold,

This anti-hero's story, it will be told.

(Verse 3)

Now, I'm standin' in class, handin' in my work,

With my closed memo, and my shoulders perk.

I faced the challenge, I played my part,

I'm the anti-hero, with a legal heart.

The grades will come, but I won't despair,

I'll keep fightin' on, I'll always be aware,

That in law school's struggles, I'll find my way,

This anti-hero's gonna seize the day.


I'm the anti-hero of this law school game,

Battling through the darkness, seeking legal fame.

With my LexisNexis and my coffee cup,

I'll break through this memo, I won't give up.


So here's to the closed memos, the late-night grind,

In the world of law school, we'll all shine.

As anti-heroes, we'll face each test,

With determination and heart, we'll be our best.


"Write a song about a law school closed memo assignment in the form of Taylor Swift's 'Cruel Summer.'"

Lyrics by ChatGPT (GPT-3.5)

(Verse 1)

Stressed out in the library, oh, it's that time of year,

Law school's got me workin' hard, and it's crystal clear.

The closed memo assignment, it's a cruel, cruel task,

But I'll face it head-on, no need to wear a mask.

Legal briefs and cases, they're piling up so high,

I'll dissect and analyze them, reach for the legal sky.

In this cruel memo summer, I'll give it all I've got,

With LexisNexis by my side, I'll give this memo a shot.


Oh, it's a cruel memo summer, but I'll break it down,

In the world of law, I'll wear my legal crown.

With my pen and legal pad, I'll take this quest,

Through the cruel memo summer, I'll be at my best.

(Verse 2)

The Bluebook's my Bible, in this academic fight,

Citing cases and statutes, I'll make it all sound right.

The research and the writing, they're my daily grind,

But I'll conquer this memo, leave no doubt behind.

Late nights in the library, coffee by my side,

Highlighters and post-its, as I take this ride.

In this cruel memo summer, I won't back away,

I'll draft and revise, make it my own way.


Oh, it's a cruel memo summer, but I'll break it down,

In the world of law, I'll wear my legal crown.

With my pen and legal pad, I'll take this quest,

Through the cruel memo summer, I'll be at my best.


I'll craft my arguments, build a solid case,

In this legal puzzle, I'll find my place.

Every word and sentence, I'll carefully choose,

In this cruel memo summer, I'll win or lose.

(Verse 3)

Submission day's approaching, it's coming up so fast,

But I've got my draft ready, I'll make it the last.

In this cruel memo summer, I'll leave my mark,

With a final flourish, I'll make my case spark.

Now it's time to hand it in, with a confident stride,

I've faced the challenge, with law on my side.

In this cruel memo summer, I've learned and grown,

With determination and heart, I'll claim my own.


Oh, it's a cruel memo summer, but I'll break it down,

In the world of law, I'll wear my legal crown.

With my pen and legal pad, I'll take this quest,

Through the cruel memo summer, I'll be at my best.

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