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  • Writer's pictureTommy Sangchompuphen

Hump Day Socks and Midweek Check-ins

Wednesdays—Hump Day—mark the halfway point of the week, and for law students, it’s the perfect time to take stock of your progress and reset for the final push toward the weekend. For me, it’s also a day to sport my favorite hump day socks as a reminder that we’re halfway through the grind.

So why make a big deal out of Hump Day? Because law school is a marathon, not a sprint, and Wednesdays can serve as your mid-race check-in. Whether you’ve been wrestling with case briefs, outlining for finals, or preparing for cold calls, Wednesday is the time to pause, recalibrate, and keep moving forward.

Here’s how you can turn Hump Day into a strategic advantage in your law school week:

🧦 Midweek Check-In

Use Wednesdays as your personal checkpoint. Take 10-15 minutes to reflect on your progress so far this week. Did you finish the readings you planned? Have you been staying on top of your outlines? What’s left to tackle before the weekend? A quick midweek self-assessment can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed on Sunday night.

🧦 Celebrate Small Wins

It’s easy to focus on what still needs to get done, but don’t forget to celebrate your small victories. Maybe you nailed a tough cold call in Torts, or finally figured out that tricky Civ Pro concept. Give yourself credit! Even if it’s just wearing a favorite pair of socks, take a moment to celebrate what’s going well.

🧦 Plan the Rest of the Week

Hump Day isn’t just about checking off what you’ve already done; it’s also about setting yourself up for success for the remainder of the week. What can you knock out today and tomorrow to feel more relaxed over the weekend? Prioritize the tasks that will give you the biggest sense of accomplishment and momentum.

So, while I’m rocking my hump day socks today, I encourage you to find your own midweek tradition—whether it’s a favorite snack, an upbeat playlist, or yes, even some hump day socks—to keep you focused and energized for the second half of the week.

Happy Wednesday! You’re halfway there, and you’ve got this!


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